Thursday, November 18, 2010

Roller Sets :) Grandma STYLE!!!!!!

Wednesday we started to learn roller sets. Kind of like curlers and perms combined if that makes sense. you wrap the hair in a setting lotion while wet, but there is no processing. you just let it air dry or you can sit under a hair dryer. the hair hardens after it drys and you brush it out and style it :) haha it reminds me of grandma's hair after it's styled :)

The Rollers:

After it dried, and took out the Rollers:

 After the comb out:


And the complete style :) Grandma style :) or the real name is Italian Bang...


and the final result is (drumroll please).....

here is the final product!!!!
It took a lot of work, hurt fingers, and NASTY "camel snot" in Jessica's description (which I TOTALLY agree with) all over my hands :( eww.

Let me know what you think :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fingerwaves and Pincurls....

We are now learning how to do finger waves which look like this...
On the top. They are super pretty and look really cool, but SO hard!!! They hurt my hands!

Pin curls look like this...
Another really pretty thing, not as hard as the finger waves in my opinion.
for our final we have to do a full head of finger waves and the bottom in pin curls this is what it looks like...

I left them in cause I wanted to see what the finished product looks like...more pictures to come when I take it out tomorrow....

here is what the finished products should look like....
For long hair...
Short hair....

Pin curls.....

Max Haircut

I should have taken before pictures opps :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sam is that YOU?!?!?!?!

Check out the new and improved SAM!!!!!!!!!.......... this is a taper hair cut

Cap frost anyone???

Who knows what a cap frost is?.......???......anyone???
OK I'll tell you....
it's where you put a plastic cap on your head, then take a crochet hook and pull small sections of hair through little holes on the cap. then you bleach that hair that was pulled through the cap and BAM you have highlights!!!
here are more color pics enjoy!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now on to color....

So we started color in our lab on Monday but we started by learning the applications of color. or in other words how to apply it. I had fun doing that, we just used hair gel and learned the ways of applying it. then today we did a weave on our manikin with BLEACH! i said it real BLEACH! I wanted to scream!!!
How freakin scary!!! I had NO idea this was coming so soon!!! It wasn't that we did it so soon, it's that I had NO notice. No time to prepare my mind. I was just thrown in. "here you go, here's some bleach. Yep real stuff! Don't mess up."
Luck for me and Martha it turned out not too bad. I need to be more even with the bleach and I could have processed longer, but it turned out ok. I only go 1 picture because I was rushed and I had to clean up. here is the finished product :)

And the finished product is.......

A finished perm :) looks pretty good if I do say so myself :)
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