Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My best thinking is done when I'm half asleep....

It's true. I do my best thinking when I'm half asleep.
And last night I thought that my thinking was real AMAZING until I woke up this morning and realized it was the dumbest thing I have ever thought haha!
Do you do this? think when your asleep and think it's real good stuff? Anyways...
Let me give you the situation.
I was lying in bed last night after I said my prayers. I've been praying about when I will find the right guy for me and every time I get some thought to a year.
A year until something will happen whether it's meeting Mr. Right or I go out on a date (I hope not that long) or marriage...no idea. So a year until somthing happens.
Well I was thinking about this, while I was half asleep. Not a good idea because this is the quote that I came up with...
" You have to find someone to be imperfectly perfect with." I know right? hahahaha I think about it now and I'm kinda embarassed cause it sounds so dumb but whatever. Late night thinking is AWESOME!!! :)

1 comment:

Ashley Eliza said...

i lovvveee late night thinking. lets think together this next weeekend yay!!


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